Sometimes you get a darn cute picture of your kid, not to mention, he's sitting on a rocking horse that was his Mamaws! Then you add Mamaw to the pic, hoping for one even cuter, you know, the kid, the Mamaw, and the horse. Then you get - this. So is the life and the pictures resulting - with a 2 1/2 year old boy!
Our holiday travels were lovely. Lovely being with family and lovely in scenery as well. The snow that sprinkled down as we approached the TN state line was beautiful. After a few days in southwestern PA, we bid farewell to husbands family and hit the road Christmas day to venture on, anxious to see my family too. Our Christmas morning pic before he hit the road...
The further south we drove, the prettier the snowflakes, covering first the grass and trees, then driveways and parking lots, and finally the road was blanketed with snow. Our speed slowed and the last hour was quite a long last hour.
There was a brief scare of an empty gas tank but thankfully one itty-bitty gas station was open and flooded with folks just like us, desperate to fill the tank. But we arrived, and cozied up at my Papaws house, with the gas logs burning and a fresh hot meal.
Gifts were exchanged, cookies were eaten, and lots of snow kept falling. My parents house sits atop a mountain side with a driveway that has many folks gasping at its twisty turns and steep grade.
Parked at the bottom, we opted to just walk up, carrying the kid and enjoying the beautiful darkness blanketed in white powdered snow.
I grew up doing this walk and now husband and the kid got to have their chance.
Going back down was the kids highlight, being pulled in the sled...
Parked at the bottom, we opted to just walk up, carrying the kid and enjoying the beautiful darkness blanketed in white powdered snow.
I grew up doing this walk and now husband and the kid got to have their chance.
Going back down was the kids highlight, being pulled in the sled...
Coming back to PA is always tough, especially after the holiday family time of the holiday. I'm sad at saying goodbye, coming back to our ole routine, and admitting the holidays are over. I wish the kid could see these people every single day. It saddens me that he doesn't...
Yes, these people. The grandparents. The ones who can spoil them rotten and send them home to his parents.
The ones who can make him laugh in ways we can't and the ones who can play with him and never tire of that same game or that same book, the one mom and dad are tired of...
The ones who can make him laugh in ways we can't and the ones who can play with him and never tire of that same game or that same book, the one mom and dad are tired of...
Santa had just paid us a visit the night before since we had been traveling.
He whisked in here the night of Dec 31...
He left a few lovely toys, dined on some grapefruit, and even took time to read the kids note...
Thankfully we remembered to put the key under the mat outside since we lack a chimney...
The stockings weren't hung exactly, but laid...
He left a few lovely toys, dined on some grapefruit, and even took time to read the kids note...
Thankfully we remembered to put the key under the mat outside since we lack a chimney...
The stockings weren't hung exactly, but laid...
"Oh, I'm taking down our tree honey."
"But why?!?"
"Well, because Christmas is over. And when Christmas is over, we take down our tree."
"Christmas over?? Oh NO!" he said, putting his head down. "This is NOT good." Big Sigh.
He eventually accepted the trees farewell, looking at it out the front door as it lay by the curb.
I made promises to him to put one up again next Christmas. I made promises to myself to ensure we work on how we do Christmas as the kid grows older. Ensuring he knows the real reason for this magical season.
At 2 1/2, I told him the story of Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus. In the years to come I want to make sure he gets it. He can love Santa, the gifts and the fun spirit of all the hub-bub. But i want him to know in his heart that precious gift of Jesus. And I want him to know the importance of giving back to others as well...
With the tree down, the house back in order (as much as it ever is), and our closets cleaned out, we start fresh this year. 2011. I type this on 1-11-11. There are new goals. New tasks. And much of the same for us too. Husband and I talked one night about our goals for our family this year. Some are big (pay off student loan) and some smaller but just as important (take the kid camping).
Santa delivered a mighty fine snow tube here a few weeks back and with a storm a'brewing just south of us, I'm thinking the kid might be ready to put it to use real soon!
Happy New Year Folks!
I must say you did have a beautiful tree...finally!!
Aw, love the pics with all the grandparents! Sniff, sniff! I love reading your posts, too!
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